McShane's spirit guides are sick and tired of trying to lead him around. He finds a door. And a bloody knife. And a burned box of matches. And an old receipt for gasoline. He also finds he is sick and tired of hearing the spirits' voices. The spirits try to get McShane to find a corner in a round room. Playing the hot/cold game only leads to disaster when the spirits of those who died in a gruesome Bic Pen factory fire in the early 1800s get to, "You're burning up!"
Rajiv orders concrete via phone (because the internet is down all over town) to make a new floor for his coffee shop (and, therefore, cement Magnus, Rajiv's wife and child into the basement.) The mailman arrives to deliver an insurance letter and is disappointed to not be able to get Dr Pibb (because of the "problem" with Rajiv's basement storage.)
Meanwhile in Lowertown, the now named Doreen calls to her sister, Lurleen, and enlists her to help get into Solomon's River General Hospital. While they're away, they want their father to be safe in the women-ruled Lowertown, so they devise a plan to throw his favorite thing, Swiss cheese, into a closet, and lock him in while they're gone. He falls for it and is left, wearing a dress, locked in a closet, nibbling on cheese.
In Solomon's River General Hospital proper, Dr. Scarlett works on the panel that controlled H.A.L., but Doris is worried that she hasn't heard from H.A.L. in some time. Dr. Scarlett tries to get her to take off her tin foil helmet and convince her that he has purged H.A.L. from the system. Doris becomes suspicious, and pokes the doctor... her hand passes through him! It is H.A.L.!
- Has Princess Lakshmi finally found the right Velvet Elvis Museum?
- Has McShane actually found clues to the Bic Pen factory fire, or are these different clues?
- Will Rajiv really cement three living people into his basement?
- Will Doreen and Lurleen succeed at the hospital, and will their father stay put?
- Is Dr. Scarlett helping Doris, or H.A.L.? How many times can Doris be fooled by a hologram?