Sue, who left Grandma Poppy with a man she thought was a model talent agent but was really Burglary School student Bob, finds her friend Sally in their apartment and urges her to audition for the agent with her. They gussy up and head back to where Sue last saw Bob. Sally struts her stuff. Sue tries her best. Bob is distracted by his need to stab a naked, olive oil-doused Grandma Poppy under the light of the moon with his ceremonial knife, but the ladies persist. Grandma Poppy, meanwhile, has escaped.
Doreen basks in the glory that is The Secret of the Hospital--it has given her amazing powers and some megalomaniacal tendencies. Hearing those tendencies, H.A.L., the original megalomaniac, appears and they duel for control. They sense they are fairly evenly matched, and more than a little twisted. H.A.L. pauses their showdown to share an idea...
- Will Doris get back with a Whatchamacallit fast enough to save Dr. Scarlett?
- Where did Grandma Poppy get to, and will Bob find her in time to graduate without another extension?
- Will Sue and Sally become models, or just "Facebook models"?
- What's H.A.L.'s idea and will Doreen go along?