Flounder brings the shunned peace-loving Mermaid Princess to the water treatment plant's intakes in the hopes she can save Split-Tail, the shunned Merman. In the plant above, Split-Tail is being poked by a worker, and a water analyst says the odd creature is making the water murky and throwing off the ph. She determines the specimen should be sent to the Smithsonian for testing. Just before they can knock out Split-Tail, the Mermaid Princess swims up and drags him away. The workers hop in a mini-sub to follow.
Dr. Scarlett arrives at the police station to report a missing person: Nurse. Detective Smegley takes the report. Green Girl arrives from the Superhero Alliance, announcing firmly that she is looking for Dr. Scarlett and that he cannot avoid his Superhero Alliance obligations! But he can, because he leaves. Witnesses are the police station's new hire and the town drunk.
Rajiv pines on his side of the white line down the middle of Magnus Adversson's mansion. Princess Lakshmi rejoices on her side with the kitchen. He begs some food off her plate, and she relents. Unfortunately, Rajiv is greedy and pushes her further and further, refusing to "Lady and the Tramp" the makhani.
Superhero Alliance Headquarters pages Green Girl for an update on the re-recruitment of Dr. Scarlett. Status: Ran Away. Headquarters demands Green Girl bring in every superhero still available because they need to "reactivate before the invaders arrive." Heeding the call: Red Robin, Mommapajammas, Grey, and SSSSStutter Girl. They cheer, "For One! For All! For Me! For Us! Super Powers! Super Ahhhhh!"
- Will Nurse stay out of H.A.L.'s clutches?
- Is it really Dr. Scarlett searching for Nurse, or is it still H.A.L.?
- Will the Mer-Princess and Flounder escape with Split-Tail, and what will become of them in the impending war with the humans?
- Are Rajiv and Lakshmi the new David Addison and Maddie Hayes? Does anyone remember Moonlighting?
- What invasion? Dr. Scarlett is a superhero? There's a Superhero Alliance?!?