Meanwhile, in the Solomon's River International Airport, Princess Lakshmi is once again trying to leave the forgetful Rajiv. Two girls, heading to spring break, commiserate and try to inspire the Princess to go after Rajiv more aggressively. They are miffed that the Princess and Rajiv don't have cell phones. One girl, Sophia, reveals the magic of the "selfie". Princess Lakshmi accidentally sends the phone owner's topless selfie to every phone number combination there is... The Princess hightails it.
Detective Smegley updates Dr. Scarlett, informing him that the investigation has lead to the area of Rajiv's Coffee House and the rebuilt library, but no further. Dr. Scarlett suspiciously does something to the computer and then suspiciously disappears in a very holographic (a.k.a. H.A.L.-like) way.
Meanwhile again, Sophia's friends find that her topless selfie is trending. The jealous friend sends "everybody" the booby pic.
Far too late, Rajiv's memory is jostled by the heart-shaped handcuffs he purchased hours and hours ago for his love encounter with Princess Lakshmi. He hurries away.
The newly elected mayor is addressing his constituents, who are clearly disappointed in him before even officially beginning his term. One in the crowd stands up and nominates herself as a new, new mayor. She is instantly recognized from her topless selfie: it is Sophia, who has apparently decided against a trip to India in the spring. The crowd cheers for "boobs" and she promises to send more selfies. Her frienemies, however, think she is full of herself and snipe behind her back.
King of the Merpeople asks his daughter for an update on the war on humans. Humans, it turns out, are very hard to predict. The other mermaid princesses were last seen being chased by a strange "metal sea creature". The King suggests it may be a submarine: a tin can with men in it. The princess mermaid is unusually excited to think of human men underwater and is firmly instructed by her father to kill them.
- Will Rajiv be able to apologize to Princess Lakshmi for his forgetfulness?
- Will Rajiv and Princess Lakshmi get themselves cell phones?
- Is Detective Smegley any closer to finding the missing Nurse?
- What is H.A.L. up to with the police department computer?
- Is the Solomon's River political system really such a free-for-all?
- What will the old new mayor do?
- What will the new new mayor do?
- Are the water plant workers safe in their tin can?