Deep in the ocean, Flounder cradles the mortally wounded Split-Tail, who was whacked by the water intake personnel's mini submarine. In a touching scene, Split-Tail says his final words: "Ahhhhhhheeeeeaaahhhhh.... Help meeee.... Avenge.... Out.... Ack." Flounder interprets the last words as instructions to bring the new Avengers movie to the underwater world. Split-Tail is sent off in true fish fashion: to float belly-up and be pecked apart by sea birds and run over by speedboats.
The British Secret Agents in China must go undercover as Chinese people. They don novelty slant eye glasses, buck teeth and straw hats. They tie their shoe laces together and shuffle out to infiltrate. Meanwhile, the Chinese Secret Agents, who are watching, go undercover as American Secret Agents. They don gun belts, cowboy hats, and fake straight teeth. They round their eyes with tape and come out shooting into the air.
Bob's brother and sister heard of his failure and are extremely disappointed their drop-out brother is coming home again. They predict their mother is going to be really mad. Bob lies to his mother, telling her he is now Dean of The Burglary Institute. His siblings know he's lying and force him to take them all on a tour of his office the next day as his mom needs to approve of the new office color. Bob is painted into a corner now!
- Can Bob keep his failure a secret?
- How can Bob give his mother a tour of an office he doesn't have?
- Will Flounder be able to carry out Split-Tail's last wishes?
- What movies to fish enjoy best, anyway?
- Will the British Secret Agents fool the Chinese as Chinese?
- Will the Chinese Secret Agents fool the British Secret Agents as American Secret Agents?
Find out the answer to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!