Silent but Deadly, the man hired to find Nurse's sister and kill the fugitive Mayor, prepares himself. He prints something off the internet and loads up with weapons (knife and taser) and several items that make silly noises, including a "Boing! Hi there!" Silent but Deadly's grandmother asks him to pick up chips and dip.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is interrogating Angelica about Big Momma's location and plans. They rough her up, but seem to be getting nowhere, even when they torture her with kale. They can put her into solitary for up to 24 hours. Only when faced with no internet access does she seem like she could break.
- Will Princess Lakshmi and Rajiv find a hidden space under the McDonalds? If so, what will they find there?
- Can Silent but Deadly find Nurse's sister? Can he kill the Mayor? Will he remember the chips and dip?
- Will Angelica give up information on Big Momma, or can she hold out the whole 24 hours? What might Big Momma be doing right now that might help Angelica?