At Angelica’s house, “Oscar” (Carla Calivera) must take a rest; she has been working so hard sweeping the carpet that Angelica gives her a break and lets her fold laundry. Joe-Bob Solomon comes to the door, punches Angelica, and leaves.
At Rajiv’s Coffee House, Magnus comes in and is served his usual. Magnus goes to pay, but finds his wallet empty. Magnus says he’s good for it, but Rajiv has heard otherwise from Mr. Ylung!
Joe-Bob Solomon is snooping around Carla Calivera’s office and finds a will…it’s Magnus Adverson’s! Joe-Bob thinks it may come in useful.
At Solomon’s River General Hospital, Dr. Scarlett gets amorous with his nurse; he’s about to take it further when Joe-Bob Solomon comes in, looking for his brother, Bob-Joe. The nurse tells him they saw someone who looked like him in the morgue, but he got up and left. Just then a woman, Alisse, comes in, accusing Joe-Bob of leaving her and his baby five years ago. The realization that Joe-Bob is fertile upsets the nurse, who runs out to pee on a stick.
- Will "Oscar" fold the laundry to Angelica's liking?
- Will Tripp develop carpal tunnel syndrome?
- Will Magnus remember what happened to his money?
- What will Joe-Bob do with Magnus' will?
- Will Dr. Scarlett and his nurse ever get a moment to themselves?