A mystery informant calls the police department with possible information about Junior Detective Steve Beaverdam. In exchange for $20,000 left in the dumpster behind Clancy's Pizzeria, the informant would call back with the location of Steve Beaverdam. The police department hadn't really missed Steve that much yet, but this phone call now makes his delinquency suspicious. Secretary Doris recommends the exchange because Steve might have important information about who in the department brutally beat the SRCTV cameraman.
Captain Josephs from Internal Affairs enters, sent by the mayor's office to investigate the protesting rabble outside. Detective Seamens gleefully passes the buck to Lieutenant Daniel Bustybottoms. Lieutenant Bustybottoms promises the protesters will be taken care of as they were going to open fire on them any moment, as per the "shoot to kill" order approved by the mayor's office itself. The crowd chant swells before changing to screams as they are riddled with bullets.
Clancy's Pizza--the best Irish pizza in Solomon's River--is open and bustling with business. Grandma Gooding enters, violating Clancy's ban against her, and she is quickly hustled out by Clancy and his teenage assistant. Mayor Joe Bob Solomon enters, still unsure of himself because of the memory erasing pill lodged in his ear. They give him his standing order--two double orders of wings with extra celery, every two hours. A racist customer tries to order potatoes, but is berated and given instead the special: Lucky Charms pizza in a whiskey sauce. Though clearly not Magnus Aversson, the man pays with Magnus Aversson's credit card...
- Will Magnus, Rajiv and Lakshmi find more comfortable refuge in Magnus' mansion?
- Who is the mystery informant and will the police pay to find Steve?
- What will Steve say if he is found or will Detective Seamens get to Steve first?
- Has the police department really open-fired on the crowd of protesters and how will it go over with Internal Affairs?
- Will anyone get to the dumpster behind Clancy's?
- Who's the guy using Magnus' credit card?