Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Episode 62

Solomon's River Community College students remain vigilant in their disdain for education and sudden urge to protest the police department for the brutal beating of an SRCTV cameraman.  Bridget, the coed who first spread the word about the televised beating, runs into a former fellow student and binge drinker, Kyla, who changed her name to "Janet Purple" when she married Mr. Purple, their old biology teacher.  Mr. Purple is an internet sensation, and "Janet," now in graduate studies, is trying to please her husband with her own viral video of brutality.  Bridget waves her "PORK!" sign around, but it's not enough.  The girls mistake Magnus Aversson for a police officer and lure him into hitting Bridget.  They run to upload the video.

Angry and urban, Mr. Purple arrives at the police station, looking for his wife.  Lieutenant Bustybottoms and secretary Doris take an exaggerated report, prepare for the manhunt of a woman who sounds a lot more dangerous than she is, and send Mr. Purple to the sketch artist.

Meanwhile, outside the maximum security prison recently and illegally vacated by Jerome Tallender of the three nipples, Janet Purple has gone completely insane.  Mayor Joe Bob Solomon has the misfortune to have encountered her and has a memory erasing Tic Tac thrown into his ear before he can get away.  As Joe Bob struggles with the sudden blanking of his memory, Assistant Deputy Mayor Jimmy, unaware of the Mayor's infirmity, tries futilely to discuss mayoral business.  Doris, the police department secretary, has come down to the prison to get Jimmy to sign a "shoot to kill" order for the police department.  It is revealed that Jimmy is planning on running against Joe Bob in the next election.  Doris assures him the police department is solidly supporting him and promises there is already a plot afoot to discredit Mayor Joe Bob.
  • What will happen now that there is a video circulating of Magnus Aversson seemingly punching a coed?
  • Exactly how crazy is "Janet Purple"?
  • How long before Mayor Joe Bob's memory returns?
  • Will Assistant Deputy Mayor Jimmy run a successful campaign?
  • Will the secret plot of discredit the mayor succeed?
  • How will a "shoot to kill" order signed by the mayor's office change police tactics?
Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!