Rookie Steve and Detective Seamens are holed up in the police station which is surrounded by an angry mob ("Police department sucks!") protesting the brutal, televised police of a SRCTV cameraman by their hands. Lieutenant Bustybottoms enters, not having seen the footage, but demanding his detectives investigate and discipline the offenders. Rookie Steve and Detective Seamens must decide what to do...
H.A.L., the holographic doctor who has taken over the town's computer system, releases the police brutality video worldwide.
Rajiv and Princess Lakshmi are still tied together and trapped in the basement storeroom. Rajiv and Princess Lakshmi will pretend to the world that they are dead so the man who tried to kill them won't keep trying. Magnus Aversson, who again wandered into the cafe, frees them and promises to swear they're dead.
Rookie Steve "Sam" calls the Solomon's River Travel Agency planning his escape. He books a one-way trip to Mexico, leaving ASAP!
Mr. Hernandez surveys the damage at Rajiv's Coffee Shop but the Mob Boss needs confirmation of Rajiv's death. Grandma Gooding wanders through the rubble, wanting her free coffee. Mr. Hernandez is positive Rajiv is dead, but the Mob Boss remains unconvinced. Grandma Gooding is sent to Tim Hortons.
- What will Jerome, now "Vladimir," do with his new freedom? Will his third nipple be his downfall?
- Rookie Steve is hightailing it out of town. Does that mean Detective Seamens will be thrown under the bus?
- What will happen now that H.A.L. has released the police brutality video worldwide?
- Can Rajiv and Princess Lakshmi stay in hiding?
- Will the Mob Boss find them?
- Will Magnus spill the beans?
- Will Tim Horton's accept Grandma Gooding's card for free coffee?