Later that morning, Princess Lakshmi, still tied to Rajiv, wonders at his lack of customers. Mr. Hernandez enters politely, and just as politely loads and aims his bazooka. The Princess and Rajiv just manage to drop into the basement storeroom before the place blows.
A British hunter and his friend Dingo are in some woods. The hunter heard a rumor there was people-hunting, and he wants to hunt them, too. Dingo feels this is too much and secretly removes the bullets. The woods are not very thick, and it is more likely a park with many people, like Grandma Gooding and Franny Mason, strolling through. The hunters seem to give up on the venture.
Coeds at SRCC (Solomon's River Community College) are experiencing such suffering from lack of internet that they actually watched SRCTV, witnessing the cameraman's brutal beating at the hands of police. Four lackluster students finally realize their dreams of having something to protest. They will make signs and Molotov cocktails and meet in front of the Po-Po Station.
Dr. Scarlett seems to be having a medical emergency from paddling so hard and Nurse diagnoses a heart problem. Because he needs more help than she can give in the boat, they will allow themselves to be caught by the natives and use the unknown-to-the-Western-World native medicines to save Dr. Scarlett.
- Will the police remain two shuffling steps behind the surprisingly difficult-to-catch Magnus?
- What will happen to the police department now that a brutal beating has been broadcast?
- How much damage did Mr. Hernandez' bazooka do, and how will Princess Lakshmi and Rajiv get out of the basement?
- There's people hunting?
- Will Nurse get Dr. Scarlett to the natives in time to save him?