It so happens that Police Chief Bustybottoms is at the newspaper's offices when the tip comes in and Frankie, the crack news reporter on duty, watches with the Chief, taking notes on his reaction. Another reporter scoops, unbelievably, that Vladamir Putin has grown a penis on his chin. Connie, who has apparently been following the Chief around, but is not a reporter, scoops the recent purchase of 40 police voodoo dolls and wants the Chief's reaction. Frankie decides to go with the police brutality story and a photographer snaps a few of the horrified Chief before the Chief is whisked away by Connie.
Rajiv and Princess Lakshmi, after their steamy shower together, must now deal with their relationship. Rajiv decides he will cut her free, whatever the consequences. Despite the moment being interrupted over and over, it is still tender. Lakshmi's first instinct is to run, but she cannot. She decides to stay with him of her own free will. They leave to try a different kind of rope play.
Anonymous Source is on the phone again and agrees to some sort of swap. A woman shows up with money and changes it for "stuff." She leaves.
Janice White, now "Janice Indigo," is sent by Detective Smith to investigate the police voodoo doll insanity at Zambulu's Voodoo Shoppe. At Zambulu's, Janice grills the proprietor mildly. Magnus Aversson enters after Janice leaves and reveals that he has misused the police voodoo dolls and nothing happened. A Voodoo Priestess conducting a new incantation finds very bad Gris-Gris: there is terrible foreboding for Magnus. Zambulu himself enters a trance to speak with the voice of Magnus' long-dead, disapproving father, "Act your age for chrissake and keep your pants on!" Jerome Tallendar, now "Vladamir Putin," enters, hoping for help to remove the "Tugga penis" from his chin. Zambulu gives him a poultice to move the penis from his chin.
- Who is this Anonymous Source? Who keeps giving him money and why? Does he, or the police, realize the case of money left in Clancy's dumpster has already been found and spent by a teenage pizza shop employee?
- Do enough people read The Solomon's River Times Picayune for the story of police brutality to cause a stir?
- What's the next step in the relationship between Rajiv and the Princess? What if his wife comes back?
- Magnus has left loose a whole pile of unused police voodoo dolls. Anybody going to take the bait?
- How will the voice of Magnus' crabby father from beyond the grave change him?
- Did anyone notice that while Zambulu promised Jerome the penis on his chin would move, he didn't promise where?