Dr. Stevens returns to "geologizing," though his discovery of the dead woman in a sweater still haunts him. A local fly fisherman, suspicious of science, warns him away for being so smart and tells him to never mind another lady who came to take the dead one away.
Magnus has returned and now Rajiv and Princess Lakshmi must try to be quiet while they "eat tandoori chicken," both with and without the air quotes.
Jervis returns to the hospital with an electromagnetic pulse bomb, but H.A.L. is not around to destroy. He tries to visit with Mousy Librarian instead, but... she's gone! Jervis grabs the EMP bomb and leaves to find his girlfriend.
- What will H.A.L. be able to do once he has claimed the last computer in Solomon's River?
- How is Doris feeling with her neural pathways all pawed over?
- Has there ever been a dead-body-discovering geologist who could leave well enough alone?
- Will Magnus get tired of smelling Indian food while listening to Rajiv and Princess Lakshmi make sweet, sweet love?
- Where has the formerly frozen Mousy Librarian gone?