Rojav feeds Princess Lakshmi as he waits for a Justice of the Peace to marry her against her will. The princess spits the food back at him, despite it being very good. Princess Lakshmi is weighing her options: 1) stay with Rojav, who looks like Rajiv but cooks better, 2) wait for Rajiv to save her, or 3) try to escape. She attempts escape by hopping away.
Mousy Librarian, having been accidentally defrosted from H.A.L.'s cryogenic chamber, went to the Solomon's River caves, hoping Jervis the former janitor would go to his old haunt (the library being blown up) and find her. She carves a note in the wall: "Jervis, I wuz here." An arrow points in the direction she wandered.
Jervis, meanwhile, is in the cave system, somewhere behind Mousy. Jervis is not alone. Suspicious Guy is still lurking in the caves, setting up explosives. Jervis find the note and hears distant calling. Suspicious Guy blows up his bomb...
Magnus Aversson's attempt at defusing a seemingly unrelated bomb on his toilet has failed due to an out of date memory and a book of bomb jokes. The Roto-Rooter man returns as the bomb ticks down to three minutes... The woman on the toilet is, understandably, getting desperate. Magnus and the Roto-Rooter guy discuss the differences between Lethal Weapon I and II. Finally, they figure Indiana Jones' Raiders of the Lost Ark would be a better role model for their attempts and decide to replace her weight on the pressure switch. Magnus offers himself selflessly, but they quickly decide that the Roto-Rooter guy's toolbox would not only be closer to her weight, but also safer. None of them, not even the bomb, remember that the timer would have blown up the bomb despite a weight swap because they're all too happy it worked. They all ignore the man at the door.
- What will happen in an all-female Lowertown?
- Will Princess Lakshmi's escape attempt work? Where is Rajiv, anyway?
- Has Jervis escaped injury? Will he find Mousy Librarian? Are the exits all blown up yet?
- Who planted the bomb on Magnus' toilet?