Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Episode 129

Zombie Professional Brendeesha Scarf's secretary alerts her boss to the increasing appointment cancellations due to the outbreak of zombie-ism.  Even Brendeesha's "livestock" of healthy humans had been infiltrated by a zombie, and now lie mostly dead, having feasted on each other.

Rajiv and Princess Lakshmi arrive for their appointment and, between their bickering, request an inoculation against zombie-ism.  Brendeesha ushers the couple into a cage, closes the door, and returns with two vials of liquid.  While Rajiv and Lakshmi debate the trustworthiness of the Zombie Professional, they hear the distinct groans of a zombie...behind them.  They drink!  Yeech: licorice.  Not a fan of being locked up, Princess Lakshmi grabs the bars of the cage and finds that she has the strength to bend apart the metal!  They run away.

Ms Scarf and her secretary discuss the increased haste in the anti-zombie-ism formula's testing process, having skipped over several important safety steps.  Checking on their latest subjects, they find the cage bent and empty.  Assuming the potion worked, and worried about an open zombie cage, Ms Scarf and her secretary take the potion, too.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the woods, Bartholomew and Cletus are tied together (for safety), hungry, and still haven't found Sally.  Frightened by a disembodied cackling, they are more frightened when the Old Man of the Woods appears!  Bartholomew explains their situation, Cletus complains of hunger.  The Old Man of the Woods works his magic on the nearest tree, which provides Cletus' favorite food: lasagna.  It's good!

The men try hard to remember Sally's name, but only get as close as "Sah-rah-lah-ha".  The Old Man calls for quiet, and speaks to the tree roots to find out who is in the forest: a bear, pooping; campers, having a fight; wandering naked nurses and Neonazis, and finally, a girl!  She is not alone... She is going to be in much trouble as she is with... The Wolfman!  Bartholomew and Cletus are worried for the girl and the Old Man says the trees will show them the way to find her.  The Old Man of the Woods disappears!

Indeed, the trees appear to point, but they are also gassy, laughing, and uninformative.  The men want to give up until they hear Sally's faint cry of, "Help me!"  Cletus would prefer to go home and eat his treesagna, but Bartholomew believes they CAN be heroes and drives them onward.
  • What has Brendeesha Scarf's anti-zombie formula actually done to Princess Lakshmi?
  • What could it have done to Rajiv?
  • Does it actually inoculate against zombie-ism?
  • Will Bartholomew and Cletus become heroes and save Sally?

Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!