Meanwhile, in India, Princess Lakshmi has searched the entire airport for Rajiv who had been hidden in a locker by his evil twin, Rojav. She finally hears his muffled calling from a locker whose key, apparently, is locked inside. Determining he needs to be cut free, she cleverly calls in a bomb threat from a pay phone, indicating that a suspicious white person had been seen hear the lockers. The New Delhi airport police bring in their bomb-sniffing dingo, crack open the locker, release Rajiv who really needs to pee, and search him for a bomb. Rajiv runs to the restroom and the airport police don't bother searching any further.
Rajiv and Lakshmi are finally reunited! She tests him to be sure it is really him, and it is! She reveals that he had been conked on the head by Rojav, interfering in their lives once again.
McShane is at his party, thrown by Tommy and Sally. He is a good sport about the party, but is slightly taken aback when Tommy and Sally ask him to be the father of their child. Sally holds McShane's hand, and believes that's all it takes. Tommy and Sally await their new baby.
- Will Angelica be able to kill Smitty the plumber?
- Will Uber Minion steal Lake Superior out from under Big Momma's nose?
- What's up with the robot dog, and all the additional howling?
- What does Rojav want, and can Rajiv and Princess Lakshmi get over him being in their lives again?
- What will Tommy and Sally do once they realize she's not pregnant...unless she is?