Meanwhile, across town, Agent Blakely is meeting with the mysterious B. Blakely has a mission for B: to kill Reverend A.T. Isst. The Reverend is later killed by B, using a sniper rifle. Witnesses spend the afternoon celebrating his death. Afterward, B is having trouble collecting the rest of his money from Blakely. Blakely gives him the key to Rajiv's Coffee House so he can ransack the place.
Across town at the coffee house, Rajiv's son is cleaning the shop when B enters, using the key. B asks where the office is. He is told there is no office, but there are "things" in the basement. B goes down and discovers a woman claiming to be a princess kidnapped from Bangladesh by Rajiv's son and brought to this country to marry him. B sets her free after she promises to shower him in jewels.
- What will happen to Dr Scarlett and his nurse? Will she have to eat him to survive?
- Why did Agent Blakely really want the reverend killed?
- What will the "princess" do now that she has been set free?