At Rajiv's Coffee House, Lakshmi is still trapped in the basement as Conrad Lufte comes in, introduces himself and tells Rajiv he is there to discover the town's mysteries. A couple of American girls come in, recognize Conrad and have him autograph their boobs. Conrad is asking for directions to the tourism board as a woman from the tourism board enters. Rajiv takes the opportunity to go down into the basement to check on the princess. Conrad tried to explain how he is being called to the town...he is getting phone calls from someone in the town telling him to seek his destiny. As Rajiv comes back up B enters, looking for "Bill," Rajiv's supposed son. Rajiv recognizes the description as someone who's been "dogging (his) heels ever since Poughkeepsie. Magnus enters, but is driven out with B as Rajiv fears they may find the trapdoor.
Meanwhile, on a deserted island, Scarlett is given some bottled water by his nurse. She found it next to the peanut butter in the pantry which is located next to the kitchen, just off the living room by the control room in the hatch.
At INTERPOL, Agent Blakely comes in to find Rajiv missing. A helpful Irishman who has been mopping the floors and leaving doors open fears that Blakely may be an escaped prisoner, and therefore locks him in an empty cell.
- Will Conrad discover the secrets of Solomon's River?
- Who is the mysterious "Bill," and why is he dogging people's heels?
- What could be in the Hatch on the deserted island?
- Is there jelly for the peanut butter?
- What will Agent Blakely do now that he is trapped in jail?
Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in,
Solomon's River!