Solomon's River General Hospital is still seemingly empty. A detective, "Ginger" Aversson, Magnus' granddaughter using an alter ego, tries to interrogate H.A.L., the holographic doctor. She's trying to figure out what happened to her sister, Samantha.
Meanwhile, in the caves under the "deserted" island, the King of the Natives has Nurse chained by the ankle to his throne. She asks to have more chain and he relents. Nurse quickly biffs the Native King with the heavy chain and escapes.
In an unnamed break room, two men are discussing a transaction. One man has just broken into the bank and stolen...something...from Rajiv's safety deposit box. The other man wants to buy the document. Their transaction is interrupted by workers entering on break. The men lock one door only to have Janice Green, Investigator, enter through the other door. Everyone denies they're doing something wrong and Janice is suspicious. The long-lost Detective Smith enters, fresh from the detective pool, having seen Janice's "PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR" car outside. Detective Smith tells Janice there are big things happening at the caves and there's been a hot tip the caves are going to blow, and maybe even more bombings in Solomon's River. Smith gets Janice to return to the detective pool so all the investigators can figure out what to do.
- What will be in Jerome's "care package"?
- What has happened to Samantha Aversson?
- Will the Nurse fully escape the island? Can she rescue Doctor Scarlett? Where is Dr. Turquoise?
- Who are those two men plotting? What is the document? Why do they care?
- Does the detective pool also have a sauna?