Assistant Detective Steve receives a call from an angry Mr. Hernandez complaining of the shady real estate dealings of one Magnus Aversson. Steve and Detective Seamens are berated by their boss, Lieutenant Brian Bustybottoms, and Seamens blames Rookie Steve. Lieutenant wants them to catch Magnus, but the detectives are deeply involved in the library bombing investigation and leave to visit Calavera Enterprises.
Carla Calavera is trapped in the caves after one of the bombs must have exploded, covering the exit with rocks. Angelica reveals her involvement in the bombing to Carla from the other side of the rocks. Sure that her former mistress will soon be dead, Angelica leaves just before the other bomb goes off, helping to free Carla!
From the outside, the detectives show up and notice the place has been bombed. Angelica wanders by, still confident, and is briefly questioned by Rookie Steve before being released. Lieutenant Bustybottoms stops by to berate the rookie. Carla digs out while Steve digs in: she is free! Detective Seamens shows up to berate the rookie. Carla vows vengeance against her traitor assistant Angelica! Carla heads in the direction Angelica left, and Rookie Steve follows Carla.
Back in the police station, a man who sounds like Dr. Scarlett and shimmers a little bit announces that he's from Solomon's River Cable and is there to install a new internet router. The police secretary, Doris, lets him in... a man who likes his coffee "holographic."
Meanwhile, at Solomon's River Community College, coeds are thrown into a tizzy when their beloved interwebs have suddenly disappeared!
- Will Dr. Scarlett and Nurse get away with a native's boat, and will they return it as promised?
- How many police detectives does it take to screw in a light bulb?
- Three. One to turn the bulb the wrong way and the other two to yell at the first, "Pull!"
- What will Carla do to Angelica once she catches up, and will Rookie Steve be able to stop her?
- What is H.A.L. up to, and can it be stopped?