H.A.L., holographic doctor and construct of the hospital's central computer, is all that remains at the hospital. H.A.L. sits regally in his domain. Magnus Aversson wanders in, confused, and H.A.L. exhibits his superiority over humankind. Magnus' granddaughter Cilantro enters and chats. A self-described "annoying" lady enters and introduces herself as an author, writing a book about Solomon's River.
Meanwhile, at the detective pool... Detective Smith wanted to show Investigator Green a graph of the happenings in Solomon's River, but something's up with their internet connection--it's as if it were hijacked! Mayor Joe Bob Solomon enters, armed, and tells the detectives that he's the reason their computers are down. He needs to stop the detectives from unraveling all the mysteries of the town so his "associates" deleted all files and back-ups and disconnect the internet. The detectives profess that they have no hard copies, but to ensure they are not lying, Mayor Joe Bob takes them with him.
An unknown man breaks into Rajiv's Coffee Shop and leaves him a note: "I know you've always had it in for me, but now I have it in for you."
- Will half the town be blown to bits in the mines/caverns?
- Will the competing bombs cancel each other out?
- How will Jervis and Mousy get on, or get "it" on?
- H.A.L. seems very haughty for a hologram... what's he up to?
- What will happen to Detective Smith and Investigator Green in the hands of the Mayor?
- Who would "have it in" for Rajiv, and why?