Hidden in the baggage of the plane, Rajiv and the baby Princess Lakshmi finally land in Greece where they hope to find a cure from Magnus Adversson for the Princess' age regression. At his Grecian mansion, Magnus basks in his own regression, which has allowed him to return to the vigor, and non-pant pooping, age of 25. Rajiv interrupts and begs Magnus to help, but Magnus will only help once he has free rights to Rajiv's spit. Rajiv demands the antidote now. Magnus refuses, so Rajiv spits on him until he, too, is a baby--who instantly has a poopie party with the baby Lakshmi!
In budding magician Kevin's basement rec room, his budding magician friend Zeb discovers the last, and toughest, pages of their magic book are missing. Zeb has the revelation that somebody from the spirit realm doesn't want the fantastically talented Kevin to learn those spells. Kevin's mom, Mrs. McUmphry, interrupts with some Tontino's Pizza Rolls and casually mentions she threw out a wad of ripped-out book pages, save one. That one page, however, will level up Kevin's motion magic. Kevin reads the page...he swirls...he twirls...he waves his arms... he conjures and traps a minor Jewish deity: Gigi! Now they can use her to get the rest of the spells.
Judge Rufus T. Graft calls for his secretary Ellie Mae, but there is a temp in her place today. Judge Graft informs the temp of an important meeting with "those red-skinned bastards" which should only be recorded in the "other book" because he is willing to judge in their favor if "the wheels of justice are greased". Two native women arrive; Runs with Rivers is shocked by the process of bribery, but Dances on the Beach is shocked that judge wants money and not the sex she was willing to give. Unfortunately, Judge Graft is unable to "lift the gavel" and instead wishes to have a percentage of their "leafy" crop business. He threatens them with his connections at the DEA if they do not come to an agreement, which is that he will stop the diversion of Lake Superior IF they make him a 20% under-the-table partner. They will take it under consideration.
- Will Runs with Weasels find enlightenment before Spirit Raccoon gives up on him?
- Can Rajiv find and use Magnus' age-regression antidote on his own, or will he now have to raise two babies, who may only get younger?
- What will Jewish deity Gigi do for...or to...Kevin?
- Will the Native Americans agree to Judge Graft's deal, and can they trust him?
Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!