Rajiv and Princess Lakshmi explore the caverns under the McVishnu's on top of her family's mountain shrine. They walk down an increasingly claustrophobic tunnel and have a hallucinogenic vision of a GrubHub delivery guy from the Vegetarian Meat Restaurant. The hallucination gives them a receipt, which is actually a clue from Quacky: go into the open cavern, but be careful because you will fall forever. P.S. The rocks are hallucinogenic. They burst through into an open cavern and remember the rope. They tie off one end to a convenient old metal hook. An ornery voice drifts up from below, apparently speaking Princess Lakshmi's family's "Rub-a-dubish" (learned from the TV show Zoomish). Rajiv climbs down...
Silent but Deadly presses some buttons, self-ordering at a 7-11. He is met by Nurse, who checks the progress of finding her sister and killing the mayor. Silent but Deadly indicates she should give it time and shows off his bag of weaponry. A zombie cleans up.
Uber Minion brags to Big Momma that he is now showing initiative and being a self-starter by getting rid of Angelica, who plotted to kill Big Momma and take over. Big Momma is suspicious that Uber Minion may not be telling the truth and asks for a dossier. Uber Minion agrees to create one, but he isn't happy.
Dr. Scarlett struggles with treating women as equals. A talking rabbit wonders why he is in the hospital. Dr. Scarlett and Nurse freak a little over the discovery of a viral-immune talking rabbit. Nurse stuffs it into a cage so they may regenerate anti-viral medication. As they revel in their good fortune, a man afflicted with their virus enters, his *ahem* having fallen off. They force him to say "dick". Nurse takes the member, but the patient isn't even sure it is his, as so many in Ye Olde Farts Bar fell off at once. Nurse abstractly gesticulates with his dick, waving it too near the rabbit's cage. The rabbit, of course, nibbles it.
- What will Rajiv find at the end of the rope?
- Did they really hear a voice, or was it still a hallucination?
- Has Silent but Deadly made any progress, or has he used their money on Slushies?
- Will Uber Minion find being Big Momma's Minion not all it's cracked up to be? Where is Angelica?
- Will a dick-nibbling, anti-viral producing, talking rabbit save Solomon's River from the hospital-created virus? Will all the penis reattachment surgeries be enough to save the hospital financially?
- How do you polish rabbit nibbles out of a dick?
Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!
Rajiv is deeply doubtful he and Princess Lakshmi should be following information left by an elderly duck. The princess defends Quaky's advice, especially since the McDonald's on top of her family's mountain shrine to Vishnu has pith helmets, rope, and a tiny door. Rajiv warns her, "Whatever you do, don't lose the rope." Immediately after, Princess Lakshmi warns Rajiv not to let the door close behind them. The door closes and is locked from the outside. She still has the rope.
Two ICE agents only have a hour left to make Angelica talk, and they torture her by withholding Wheel of Fortune. Finally, Angelica breaks. "Big Momma is going to... to.... She has hired a... a..." No matter how hard she tries, Angelica cannot make herself speak! Angelica realizes it must be a spell, put on her by Big Momma. The ICE agents beat her up anyway.
Later, at Big Momma's lair, Angelica returns, battered and bruised, only to find Uber Minion by Big Momma's side! Big Momma says she knows he won't tell on her! Despite all her loyalty, Angelica is kicked to the curb. As she is being removed by Uber Minion, he whispers to her that this is all part of the plan, and that he will soon be taking over! Angelica is doubtful, and she believes Uber Minion will be thwarted by one of Big Momma's powerful spells.
Nurse has returned to Dr. Scarlett's employ, but since the zombies have either gotten better or been incorporated into society, there is another lack of patients. They decide to engineer a virus that can be put into beer. Miss Leftboob, a custodian, is given a petri dish of virus and told to smear it wherever beer, and/or limes, are sold.
After an incubation period, a pair of older drunk men at Ye Olde Farts Bar are challenged by a pair of college hipsters who have dubbed this their new ironic hangout. They all drink Old Milwaukee and whip their dicks around, then drink Coronas, whereupon the virus takes hold, they cough, and all their dicks fall off.
- What will Princess Lakshmi and Raviv find in the mountain, and will it include a way out?
- Will Uber Minion dethrone Big Momma, or will her spells, or her other plans, triumph?
- What will become of Angelica?
- Can Dr. Scarlett control the virus unleashed into Solomon's River, and will he even care, as long as it brings profit to the hospital?
- Is there a vaccine that reattaches penises?
Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!
Princess Lakshmi and Rajiv are feeling a little ill after eating the Vishnu-themed McDonald's they found on her family's private mountaintop shrine. An old scroll is delivered from the kitchen: it is in Quacky's webbed foot writing! She translates, "This McDonald's was set up by your father as a front to hide..." They debate whether the duck had bad grammar and left off a period, or if the rest of the note is missing. Considering they are on a mountain top, they figure there would be plenty of space to hide...something...underneath the restaurant. They will search.
Silent but Deadly, the man hired to find Nurse's sister and kill the fugitive Mayor, prepares himself. He prints something off the internet and loads up with weapons (knife and taser) and several items that make silly noises, including a "Boing! Hi there!" Silent but Deadly's grandmother asks him to pick up chips and dip.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is interrogating Angelica about Big Momma's location and plans. They rough her up, but seem to be getting nowhere, even when they torture her with kale. They can put her into solitary for up to 24 hours. Only when faced with no internet access does she seem like she could break.
- Will Princess Lakshmi and Rajiv find a hidden space under the McDonalds? If so, what will they find there?
- Can Silent but Deadly find Nurse's sister? Can he kill the Mayor? Will he remember the chips and dip?
- Will Angelica give up information on Big Momma, or can she hold out the whole 24 hours? What might Big Momma be doing right now that might help Angelica?
Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!
Rajiv and Princess Lakshmi walk carefully in the dark somewhere near the family's private mountaintop shrine to Vishnu. Crunching steps...a flash of light...someone is there...it has been turned into a McDonald's! The shrine still exists, and they have Hindu-themed the menu. They order the six-arm McVishnu meal with a curry shake to eat by the shrine's statue, hoping it will give them a vision.
Meanwhile, at the Fancy Tea Room for the Rich Elderly, Marjorie Dawson sips tea with Norma, an even older lady. Marjorie brags about her blue collar "encounter" with Smitty the Plumber. Norma is intrigued, and wants to experience Marjorie's new glow. She suggests Marjorie bring Smitty to one of their lady "events". Before Marjorie can give more details about Smitty's prowess, a man informs them that the Tea Room's plumbing is backing up and they should evacuate. The ladies, however, will wait for the plumbers.
Angelica briefs Big Momma on the plumbing project progress. Smitty has dug all the tunnels which reach every toilet in Solomon's River, ready for Big Momma's explosives! Big Momma says that even the plumber must be blown up. Suddenly, the police knock on the door! Angelica answers while Big Momma works some secret magic. They have questions for Big Momma, but no warrant. Suspicious of Angelica's immigration status, the police take her away.
Down by the docks, the Nurse and the Secretary are browsing for cut-throats and scoundrels to help with killing the Mayor and finding the Nurse's sister, in either order. Nurse has enough mad money, but will only pay after both deeds are done. A man, Silent but Deadly, agrees to the job.
- Will eating onion rings by a statue of Vishnu help Princess Lakshmi find her father?
- What kind of "events" to the rich elderly women of Solomon's River hold, and will Smitty attend, or will he be blown up instead?
- Are the sewer problems related to the new tunnels, and will Big Momma actually blow them all up?
- What will happen to Angelica now that she's in the hands of ICE: Immigration and Customs Enforcement?
- Will Silent but Deadly be able to kill the on-the-run Mayor AND find Nurse's on-the-run sister?
Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!