Magnus Advarsson, an elderly and rather addled curmudgeon, is heir to the Solomon’s River Mine fortune. His granddaughters, Samantha and Cilantro, learn about his fortune from a mysterious stranger who drifts into town. Hitman Johnny Tess, from Chicago, offers to “help” with their problem of getting rid of Magnus.
Dr. Scarlett, Magnus’ brother, is in a healthcare facility. His nurse knows he’s also heir to the fortune, but tells him in order to claim his fortune he must be of sound mind, and must marry.
Detective Smith, recently moved to Solomon’s River, snoops about, looking for suspicious activity in town.
Magnus visits his lawyer, Mr. Ylung, in order to have his will changed. Samantha and Cilantro arrive to intervene.
- Will Magnus change his will?
- Will Samantha and Cilantro have him killed?
- Will Dr. Scarlett claim his fortune?
- Will Det. Smith find any ne’re-do-wells?