At Calivera Enterprises, Carla muses over being able to end the killing and starting a new company to make organic ice cream with candy in it. Jerry Koff comes in, asks for her vote and a sizable donation. Instead of donating, she recommends to Jerr that he take a vacation on a small island; he agrees to do it in exchange for a blank check. Bob-Joe rushes in...Jerr reminds him about the debate on Friday night. Bob-Joe asks Carla for help with Rajiv. Carla speaks privately with Bob-Joe about the mayor's orders to kill Offenschitz; Bob-Joe is taken aback; he knew nothing about his brother's plans.
Meanwhile, Magnus is surprised by the return of his granddaughter, Samantha. He spill the beans on his newly found daughter, Magneta, and the possibility that he killed someone. While he is trying to back out of his admission to murder, they are interrupted by a friend of Samantha's, who is congratulating her on her pregnancy. Magnus is happy for her, although he is disturbed (briefly) that the father is Mr. Ylung, who tried to "screw him out of the will." Samantha is looking for Ylung...she goes to Rajiv's to find him. We cut to Rajiv's former Coffee House to discover it's been turned into a Euro-Dance club.
- Will Tripp find Wolfgang Offenschitz for his mother?
- Will Rajiv manage to get the Dead Parrot's bathroom clean?
- Will Carla figure out that Jerr Koff is not Wolfgang Offenschitz, the man she is supposed to murder?
- Will Samantha find Mr. Ylung, the father of her unborn child?
- Will Rajiv ever reclaim the coffee house, and if so, will he be able to get the dance-stink out of the upholstery?