Meanwhile, at Solomon's River General Hospital, Dr. Scarlett has Bob-Joe Solomon under hypnosis to try and discover what happened when they were at each others throats. Bob-Joe was choking Scarlett, and the doctor had pumped Bob-Joe full of horse tranquilizers. Both collapsed; Bob-Joe woke up first, then Scarlett, who opened a safe or cabinet, pulled out a box and removes from it a clown suit, big red nose and a wig, which he proceeded to put on Bob-Joe. Then Dr. Scarlett's nurse arrived and handed Bob-Joe a gun, supposedly telling him to kill Jerry Koff.
Across town at Solomon's River United Catholic Church of God Our Heavenly Father in Christ, Tripp is in confessional, admitting that he killed someone, and seemed to enjoy it. As Tripp is exploring non-murderous life options, Janice "Scarlet" busts in, declaring herself to be from the IAC, Internal Affairs of the Church. She overheard Tripp's confession and has it taped.
In a miscellaneous character's home, we find Patsy, who has just returned from a trip unpacking a suitcase. She discovers it is not her case; it belongs to someone named Cilantro. It is filled with men's sexy underwear and is labeled..."Mr. Ylung!"
- Has Cilantro seen Mr. Ylung, and if so, why would she be lying about it?
- Why in God's name would a nurse want Jerr Koff dead?
- What was Tripp going to tell the priest before they were so rudely interrupted?
- What is Mr. Ylung's sexy underwear doing in Cilantro's suitcase, and why does he label it "Mr. Ylung?"