At Calivera Industries, Carla has returned from testifying before Congress. She is worried, and tells Angelica that they must stay under the radar for a few weeks; no more killings! Just then, Joe-Bob Solomon enters, asking Carla if she's "gotten around to that job I asked you to do," which amounts to killing Wolfgang Offenschitz. Carla replies that she has turned over a new leaf and won't be killing people any more. At that, Mayor Joe-Bob threatens to reveal evidence against her...40 tapes worth. All he wants is this one last killing. He leaves, and the curmudgeon comes in; Carla tells him she has the perfect job for him and for Angelica to "show him to his new office." She will turn over a new leaf tomorrow.
Later, Jerry Koff runs into the Mayor and asks if they could set up a debate at his "men's club," and to show up on Friday and not tell anyone where he's going. After Jer Koff leaves, we discover that he was, in fact, talking with Joe-Bob's brother, Bob-Joe!
Meanwhile, we find Julia looking for a coffee shop (or something to do in town,) and a fan is looking for an autograph. Magnus mistakes Julia for his newly-found daughter, Magneta. Mr. Ylung shows up, asking why Magnus is no longer in the basement, and demands to know what happened to the cable guy. Magnus realizes he has killed the cable guy...the problem is that he was the witness to the new will signing; Magnus must re-sign. Magnus tells Ylung that he told Dr. Scarlett he would be put in the will for helping Magnus discover why he had blood on his hands; My. Ylung assures Magnus that he is only trying to help him. They leave.
- Will Tripp ever find out what's happening to all the people he sends to Calivera Enterprises?
- Will Carla turn over a new leaf?
- Will Joe-Bob succeed in blackmailing Carla into helping him?
- Will Bob-Joe show up for the debate on Friday, and if so, will he bring snacks?
- Did Magnus Adverson really kill the cable guy?