Tommy, wandering the woods looking forlornly for Sally, instead runs into McShane, who had been missing longer. McShane offers to help the simple man.
Meanwhile, in Solomon's River proper, Sally wants to go back into the forest to look for Tommy, but Detective Smegly prevents her, saying it's too dangerous. He takes her to the police station to wait safely. When they get to the station, a beat officer is there already, accompanied by a hooker, who swears she is an "exotic dancer". Smegly has the officer fingerprint her, but the harried detective still has Sally, who remains terribly upset. To placate Sally, Detective Smegly promises to leave immediately to find Tommy. After he is gone, Sally discovers a loaded service revolver, which she keeps "in case [she] needs it."
Dr. Scarlett orders an orderly to find a patient who left without paying: Sally. The doctor warns that Sally may be distraught because she thinks he killed her baby, which he didn't, he swears.
McShane is having a difficult time with the very upset Tommy. In the middle of McShane's attempt at a sensible conversation, Tommy has the realization that he loves Sally and he wants to have her baby. McShane can say nothing that doesn't upset Tommy further, and Tommy flees.
- Are bodies falling from the NurseNudistNeonaziNarcanoNado because it's finally slowing down? Will the end of the 'Nado be the end of the Discovery Channel's new reality show?
- Can Detective Smegly help Sally, who now has a revolver, and can McShane help Tommy, who is running randomly through the woods? Will the orderly find Sally first?
- What is the cause of the disproportionately large prostitution problem in Solomon's River?