Later, in Rajiv's Coffee House, Sir Reginald Barkley, a blind author, arrives and asks Rajiv about lodging. He wishes to write a book and has heard that Solomon's River is a quiet and peaceful town. Rajiv recommends the Solomon's River Marriott (his cousin runs it.) The Mayor enters, orders his usual, and introduces himself to Sir Reginald. They talk briefly, then the author leaves. Detective Smith enters and asks about Sir Reginald. Smith laughs, implying the writer is not who we think he is. Mayor Solomon wants to talk with Rajiv about a proposal that could make him wealthy...he wants to meet in private, so he suggests a public park near his mansion.
Wolfgang Offenschitz meets with Frannie Mason to thank him and his brother for the work with Mayor Solomon's dog, but Frannie explains his brother is missing. Wolfgang make it clear he wishes to call off the hit on Mayor Solomon.
Later, in the public park, two teenage girls are using the teeter-totter (cherry bomb!) They discuss, in young teenage fashion, learning about sex. Mayor Solomon enters, asking why they are there; they sass back in typical teenage fashion. Solomon wants to leave to find another park, but the teenage girls brag about stealing from Rajiv, then begin hitting on the mayor. Fortunately, they leave before anything further can happen.
- Will Mr Ylung discover any leads to Samantha's whereabouts?
- What is Sir Reginald up to?
- What does Detective Smith know about the blind author?
- What does the mayor have to say to Rajiv that requires a private public park?
- Where is the other Mason brother?
- What is a "cherry bomb," and how does one get one?
- Will Mayor Solomon give in to the 13-year-old who say they are 21 and 25?