At the Rajiv house, Rajiv attempts to chastise his wife for embarrassing him in front of the customers. She is upset that he is serving them alcohol in a bar. Tripp walks into their house as Magnus, asking Rajiv to help him out of the suit. He pulls down the zipper, and out pops Tripp! Mrs. Rajiv is worried about this "sketchy person." Tripp tells Rajiv that the bar is too clean; he is fired. One of the Rajiv cousins comes in, spouts off in Hindi, takes the now-empty Magnus suit and goes out of the room, Rajiv following close behind.
Meanwhile, at Solomon's River General Hospital, Jerry Koff finds Dr. Scarlet (who has mysteriously survived Bob-Joe's attempt on his life) and asks to see the body in the morgue that looks suspiciously like the mayor. Scarlet takes him down to look at the body. After shooing his nurse off of the body, Scarlet shows it to Koff, who identifies it, asking him to make sure it is not "plugged in." As Scarlet is checking for a pulse, his nurse comes back in, trying to keep another nurse out of the room while the doctor is in there. She wants her turn at the body. Jerr Koff leaves, after asking for their votes.
- What will happen now that Tripp has apparently murdered Wolfgang Offenschitz?
- How will Rajiv support his family now that he has lost his job at the Dead Parrot?
- Is it really Mayor Joe-Bob's body on the slab?
- Will we ever have any love stories in Solomon's River?