Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Episode 13

As we saw last week, Mayor Joe-Bob Solomon's brother visits the Dead Canary Bar, where the dregs of society go to forget the day-to-day drudgery of their life in the mines. He is looking for his brother...the barkeep tells him the mayor doesn't come in after the "incident with the little girls." A mysterious drunk woman asks Bob-Joe to pass a message on to his brother, then throws her drink in his face and leaves with a drunkard, heading for the Solomon's River Marriott.

Once the Dead Canary clears out, Tripp the bartender calls his mother, Angelica, at Calivera Enterprises and asks if she needs any more "volunteers" for the "project."  She tells him to bring in as many volunteers as he can get.  Tripp is concerned that he hasn't seen the previous volunteers he's sent; he thinks they've been cured of their alcohol abuse.  Angelica's minion arrives to report that the grinder is packed up again; he is told to clean it up to prepare for more "volunteers" from her son.  As her minion leaves, she speaks about the "secret downstairs."

Meanwhile, elsewhere, Magnus Adverson is tied to a chair by Mr. Ylung, who demands he sign the new will.  Ylung needs someone to witness the will...Magnus recognizes Ylung as the man dating his granddaughter.  Mr. Ylung plans to make a mask of Magnus' face to complete his plan.  Ylung is interrupted by a secretary bringing him legal briefs, but she is clueless, and leaves without comment.

Elsewhere, in an underground lair, a young woman is tied down to the floor, a pentagram inscribed beneath her.  She yells for help; robed figures arrive and stand ominously over her.  Is one Dr. Scarlett?

  • Will Bob-Joe Solomon find his brother Joe-Bob, the mayor?
  • Will Tripp every discover what Calivera Enterprises is doing with all the "volunteers?"
  • Will the minion's minion get the grinder unpacked?
  • Will Mr. Ylung succeed in his plan to get Magnus to change his will?
  • Who are these mysterious robed figures, and what are they up to?
Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Episode 12

In last week's exciting episode of Solomon's River, Mr. Ylung, the lawyer, meets with Mayor Joe-Bob Solomon, complaining that the sheriff has been no help in finding the missing Samantha Solomon.  Mr. Ylung is also concerned that the rest of his law firm has gone to Calivera Industries and are now missing.  The mayor suggests he talk with the Mayoral Investigation Bureau (MIB.)

Later, in Rajiv's Coffee House, Sir Reginald Barkley, a blind author, arrives and asks Rajiv about lodging.  He wishes to write a book and has heard that Solomon's River is a quiet and peaceful town.  Rajiv recommends the Solomon's River Marriott (his cousin runs it.)  The Mayor enters, orders his usual, and introduces himself to Sir Reginald.  They talk briefly, then the author leaves. Detective Smith enters and asks about Sir Reginald.  Smith laughs, implying the writer is not who we think he is.  Mayor Solomon wants to talk with Rajiv about a proposal that could make him wealthy...he wants to meet in private, so he suggests a public park near his mansion.

Wolfgang Offenschitz meets with Frannie Mason to thank him and his brother for the work with Mayor Solomon's dog, but Frannie explains his brother is missing. Wolfgang make it clear he wishes to call off the hit on Mayor Solomon.

Later, in the public park, two teenage girls are using the teeter-totter (cherry bomb!)  They discuss, in young teenage fashion, learning about sex.  Mayor Solomon enters, asking why they are there; they sass back in typical teenage fashion.  Solomon wants to leave to find another park, but the teenage girls brag about stealing from Rajiv, then begin hitting on the mayor.  Fortunately, they leave before anything further can happen.

  • Will Mr Ylung discover any leads to Samantha's whereabouts?
  • What is Sir Reginald up to?
  • What does Detective Smith know about the blind author?
  • What does the mayor have to say to Rajiv that requires a private public park?
  • Where is the other Mason brother?
  • What is a "cherry bomb," and how does one get one?
  • Will Mayor Solomon give in to the 13-year-old who say they are 21 and 25?
Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Episode 11

We begin this week’s episode at Solomon’s River General Hospital with Dr. Scarlett losing a patient.  His nurse takes the body to the coolers, but returns to have the doctor invite her and her sister to his office later.  She leaves to continue her duties, and Agent Blakeley arrives.  Blakeley asks Dr. Scarlett about all the bodies in town…Scarlett tells him plenty of people die at Solomon’s River General Hospital.  He is interrupted by a Code Red in the emergency room. Scarlett must leave, so Blakeley arranges a meeting with the doctor in one week.

In the emergency room Scarlett finds his nurse crying over the body of her sister, telling him she collapsed.  The doctor prescribes 50 ccs of Ibunephertrol and a drippy bag.  Before the medication can be administered, however, Ellen, the sister, revives suddenly.  Seeing Ellen is fine, Dr. Scarlett leaves for his office.  The nurse, after a brief bout of forgetfulness regarding her sister’s name, lets her know that she was going to hook her up with the doctor.  Ellen is concerned with all the bodies she has heard about.  Her sister worries about Ellen since her husband ran away; she wants to find her a man. They decide that perhaps battery-operated is the way to go for a while.

Wolfgang Offenschitz, the mayor’s very unhappy neighbor, calls Agent Blakeley to let him know he would need to talk with him today, or not at all. He plans on joining a monastery; the guilt and anger over his vendetta against the mayor are eating him up inside.  Blakeley tells him to come over.

Later, when Offenschitz arrives, Blakeley shows his concern for all the bodies in town, but Wolfgang is concerned with all the dog poop.  Admitting that the mayor is actually a pretty good guy, Offenschitz offers to team up with Blakeley, but is interrupted when a burning bag of dog poop is left on the doorstep for Blakeley to stamp out.  Wolfgang smells the remnants; it was the mayor’s dog.

  • Will Dr. Scarlett hook up with the nurse and her sister?
  • Will anyone every discover where all the bodies are coming from?
  • Will Agent Blakeley ever find out something useful?
  • Will Wolfgang Offenschitz join a monastery, or will he complete his vendetta against the mayor?
  • Will Agent Blakeley ever get all that stuff off the bottom of his shoe?
Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Epsiode 10

It begins as a quiet day in Rajiv's Coffee House, but soon escalates as the mayor's unhappy neighbor arrives, ordering a Mr. Pibb and pie.  Detective Smith, once again hidden in the wall behind the counter, hears Mayor Solomon come in.  The neighbor, already having confessed to Rajiv that he may have regrets over putting out a hit on the mayor, throws his drink in Joe-Bob's face, and leaves.

Carla Calivera enters, confronting Mayor Joe-Bob as to why he is trying to "bring her down." As they argue, Rick Simpson, the health inspector, sees Det. Smith in the wall and they chat briefly.  Once the health inspector comes out of the wall and tells Rajiv that he must conduct a more thorough inspection, Rajiv attempts to bribe him by dropping a twenty on the floor.  Fortunately for Rajiv, Mr. Simpson sees Carla and moves to talk with her.

The health inspector informs Carla that he'd like to get into Calivera Industries to perform an inspection, something his department has been trying to do for some time, with no success.  As they banter, Rajiv must deal with an alcoholic who has entered the coffee shop, thinking it to be a bar.  Fortunately Rajiv always keeps a bottle of single-malt whiskey behind the counter for just such an emergency.

Det. Smith comes out from the wall to speak with the health inspector, trying to tell him there's more going on here than meets the eye, but all the inspector seems concerned with is whether or not Rajiv has the appropriate signage in the bathrooms.  Rajiv becomes upset because no one is actually buying anything.  Det. Smith retires back into the wall.

The drunk identifies himself as Cliff Shale, from the EPA.  He wants to speak to someone about the mines, so Rajiv directs him to the Mason Brothers.  The Mason Brothers are busy dealing with a body backlog, bricking them into a wall.  Carla visits and warns them they must work overtime because the odor is now reaching to the village.  Mayor Solomon sneaks in and take a picture of them hiding the bodies.  Carla tries to silence the mayor by making it worth the his while; she leaves with the mayor.

Later, Detective Smith meets with Cliff Shale.  It turns out he is undercover, working with Smith.  They spend some time bad-mouthing Rajiv's, then Smith instructs Shale to get on the good side of Calivera and get into the mines.

Rick Simpson is talking with his boss on the phone, concerned about the people in Rajiv's.  He also voices his concerns with Calivera Industries wondering why she is so reluctant about letting him in.

  • Will the unhappy neighbor feel sorry for putting out a hit on the mayor?
  • What exactly does Calivera Industries manufacture?  Is it cotton candy, as the mayor seems to think, or is he just addled as usual?
  • Will Inspector Simpson get in to inspect Calivera Industries?  If so, what will he find?
  • Will Detective Smith spend even more time in Rajiv's wall?
  • Will anyone pay for anything at Rajiv's?
  • What is Mayor Solomon planning on doing with Carla?
  • Will we ever see Magnus Adverson and his family again?
Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!