Frieda and Greta invite others to their witch lynch party and they decide to combine it with the upcoming holidays and make it a Christmas lynching. John is in charge of the food, twins Timmy and Tommy choose the Christmas/lynching carol list, and someone else is in charge of the garland, which will be used to string up the witches. Frieda and Greta tell everyone to meet back with their goodies, and then they'll lynch the Queen of the Witches.
Sally is with McShane and she is worried for the freshly lost-in-the-forest Tommy. McShane suggests they search together, which Sally remembers is what got them all lost in the first place. She brilliantly suggests a rope, so they don't get separated. Not-brilliantly, she gives the entire rope to McShane. After they leave for the forest, Tommy arrives to find they are gone.
Angelica sneaks into Uber Minion's room to gather the ingredients which Big Momma, aka Queen of the Witches, needs to cast a spell on the plotting Uber. Angelica manages toenail clippings and a spare toupee before Uber returns and discovers her. She takes the opportunity to cut off one of his ears and take an eye. He promises to kill her someday. She has forgotten to get an eyelash.
John comes home to rope his mother into making cookies for their Christmas lynching party. His alcoholic father lurks in the background, and John has trouble reading the recipe.
Meanwhile, at Solomon's River General Hospital, Dr. Scarlett asks Nurse where all the other nurses are and she explains the NurseNudist-etc-Nado. Nurse leaves with the nurse roster to find them. After she leaves, McShane confronts Dr. Scarlett and announces his intention to kill him to avenge Tommy and Sally's baby. Dr. Scarlett explains that Sally was never pregnant because there is a need for intercourse before there can be a baby.
With McShane at the hospital, Sally is all alone in the middle of the forest. Two rubes, Bartholomew and Cletus, offer to help the crying woman and invite her back to their shack in the woods. She goes...
- Will Rajiv and Lakshmi keep their promises to love and honor? What will Mrs. Rajiv do when she discovers she has been declared dead?
- Will Big Momma's spell work without an eyelash? What will Uber Minion do without depth perception or a spare toupee?
- Can Big Momma cast her spell and keep the witches safe against the impending lynch mob?
- Can John's Christmas lynching cookies possibly come out okay?
- Will Nurse find the other tossed-about nurses?
- Is McShane satisfied with Dr. Scarlett's explanation of how babies are made?
- What will become of Sally?
Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!