Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Episode 101

British secret agents not only have tenacity, they often have buckets of luck, this time found in a Chinese fortune cookie.  In it, the "Learn Chinese" contains the information they had been trying to pry from the formidable Magnus Adversson: the coordinates to his microchip factory in China.  Chinese restaurant proprietor Mrs. Chang must be more than she appears!

In an underwater zoo, the King of the Merpeople and his daughter feel they have been infested with bugs from the exhibit, one Frannie Mason.  The Princess thinks setting the human free would be best, and they pull the drain plug.  Frannie gets washed out.

Magnus Adversson answers a knock at his mansion's door: it's Princess Lakshmi, back from Las Vegas and needing a place to stay.  He asks after his Old Vegas casino, the Broken Shillelagh (named after a deviant sexual practice, Magnus informs her, as all casinos are,) but they are interrupted when Rajiv enters from another room.  Lakshmi is angry that Magnus would let Rajiv stay after Rajiv left her in the clutches of his evil twin, Rojav.  They argue, sparks flying, finally deciding to split Magnus' mansion down the middle with a white line... of Ku Klux Klan robes, of which Magnus has lots.

Mousy Librarian enjoys the peace and quiet of the new library despite her still-mending broken leg.  A man from the Library of Congress was sent to help set it up after the old one exploded.  She slyly requests funds to hire a janitor, but the man is extremely unhelpful.  On her way out, she bumps into an unattended briefcase, but is too absorbed in her ideas for finding Jervis to notice.

Jervis wakes in Solomon's River General Hospital wondering about H.A.L. and happy he's no longer the evil hologram's slave.  He lights up a doobie.  A "Security to Level Four" announcement sends him scurrying.
  • What will the British agents find in a Chinese microchip factory?
  • Will Frannie Mason survive being "flushed" by Merpeople?
  • How will Lakshmi and Rajiv cope in Magnus' divided mansion?
  • Will Mousy find a way back to Jervis?
  • Will Jervis finish his doobie?
Find out the answer to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!