Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Episode 30

At Rajiv's Coffee House 2.0, Mr. Ylung comes in and confronts Rajiv with the evidence that someone with an Indian accent, wearing a Magnus Adverson suit, went into the bank and withdrew all of Adverson's money. Ylung demands to know where the money is; Rajiv defends himself, saying he has many cousins.  Coincidentally, one enters and tells Rajiv to check out his bling.  Ylung tells Rajiv that the person who took the money was exceedingly tall; he also warns Rajiv that he can get the coffee house from him if he doesn't get the money back.  After disparaging Magnus and his grand-daughters, Ylung leaves.

Meanwhile, Carla Calivera awakens, tied up in Tripp's basement.  Using vague references, Tripp tells Carla that she needs to rehire the person who used to work for her but doesn't work for her anymore.  Carla remembers getting punched in the face and waking up here.  She demands to be untied, then discovers she no longer remembers her name.  Tripp "helps" by telling her her name is Oscar Steppenwolf.  He also tells her she works at the county dump keeping rats off the food.  Angelica comes home and calls down to the basement...Tripp warns her not to come down because he's involved in something...personal.  He asks Carla/Oscar if he can let her go without worrying about her. He lets her go, but warns her that he likes to kill things, so he's going to follow her for a while to see what she does.

Across town at Solomon's River General Hospital, Dr. Scarlett is consulting with a patient, Mr. Ylung.  Scarlett informs his patient that the x-ray of the giant tumor he has been examining is Ylung's.  Scarlett tells him that he could operate, but the tumor is sitting on a large nerve, and operating could cause paralysis.  Ylung wants to operate right away!  Joe-Bob Solomon arrives, punches Dr Scarlett, and leaves.

Later we see Bob-Joe Solomon pacing, worrying about his brother looking for him, concerned he will end up with a bullet in his face.  Just then, he gets a bullet in the face!
  •  Will Rajiv find the money?
  • Will Carla/Oscar go back to work at the Solomon's River Municipal Dump?
  • Will Mr. Ylung survive having his tumor removed?
  • Why did Joe-Bob punch Dr. Scarlett?
  • Who shot BJ?
 Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!