Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Episode 80

Tony the Bookie is trying to collect Superbowl bets by phone.  One of Tony's lackeys introduces his boss to a new line of betting: who will die first at Solomon's River General Hospital's ICU?  Tony worries about another of his men, Joey, "going rogue" and actually conspiring to rig deaths at the hospital.  Tony leaves to investigate who has been compromising the health of a new patient, a bar owner who had been stabbed by a broken bottle.

McShane is feeling better, though irritated by the Sabres.  Tommy and Sally come to make him feel better and ask forgiveness (one of the twelve steps in their court-ordered recovery program.)  They accidentally fold him into a Craftmatic hospital bed sandwich.

Reporter Shirley Shirley is on the scene in Lowertown investigating a rash of assaults.  He interviews Geneva, representative of Lowertown, who announces that Lowertown is now for women only.  The women realized that all their problems stemmed from men, so they kicked them out.  Any man who enters will be assaulted--like the police officer, like the student burglar, and like reporter Shirley Shirley himself, who gets punched in the nuts off-camera.

Dr. Scarlett and Nurse are finally on a plane from Chicago heading back to Solomon's River.  Suddenly, a fuel leak!  The leak worsens with a whooshing sound, much like that of a flushing toilet, and their pilot is seen abandoning the plane.  Nurse grabs Dr. Turquoise's luggage to hold on to just as a honking explosion is heard.  Their plane is going down!
  • What will happen to Sally and Tommy now that Tony the Bookie thinks McShane's turns for the worse are part of a bet-rigging operation?
  • How's McShane doing, sandwiched in that folded bed?
  • Is life in Lowertown improving now that all the men are gone?  How long will the women last?
  • Though they survived a boat sinking, will Dr. Scarlett and Nurse be able to survive a plane crashing?
Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!