Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Episode 94

Rajiv has made it to Vegas, to the Velvet Elvis Museum, and into the basement/evil lair where he finds a poorly devised laboratory and no sign of Princess Lakshmi, yet...

McShane has (mostly) escaped the haunting voices of Solomon River General Hospital's sub-basements and returns to his life before being stabbed with a broken bottle during a mentally deficient couple's fight: McShane's Bar.  Though he sees it has been converted back into Rajiv's Coffee House, he still crawls in through a window and considers stealing old rhubarb pie.  The lingering voices drive him away.

Grandma Poppy's battery-drained chair is in danger of being clipped by a vehicle.  She wonders where her women are, particularly Doreen.  Grandma Poppy's anger against men is fueled by unwanted, and quite smug, Boy Scout assistance.

At the police station, Detective Smegly promises to help a woman complaining about Lowertown, despite the fact all other officers disappeared while investigating.  He writes a note that inexplicably reads, "Must stop Grandma Poppy before she finds the Secret."

Princess Lakshmi bustles into the evil lair's laboratory, having been tidying up, and runs into who she believes is Rojav.  By his lack of gifts, missing promise ring, bulging eyes, different outfit, and stink of coffee, she slowly realizes that this is not evil twin Rojav but rather original fiancĂ©e... Rajiv!
  • What will McShane do now that his business is gone and the voices are not?
  • Where are the women of Lowertown?  Where is Doreen?  What will Grandma Poppy do without an electrical outlet?
  • How in the world does Detective Smegly know about "the Secret"?
  • What will Rajiv do now that he's found Princess Lakshmi willingly in the clutches of his twin?
  • What will Rojav do if he finds Rajiv in his evil lair?
Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River