Monday, December 4, 2017

Episode 148

Dr. Scarlett is assisted by Large Marge, a terrible nurse, to operate on Sara, the car accident victim.  As anesthesia is inexpertly applied, Nurse arrives to speak with Dr. Scarlett.  Nurse recognizes "Large Marge" as Margaret, her bestie from primary school, who nearly ruined her life.  As they relive their animosity, a zombie enters and, unnoticed, munches on the patient.  Nurse is even more angry with Dr. Scarlett for hiring her arch nemesis.  They notice the patient is still...alive?  Impossible!  Half her brain was eaten by a zombie, but it seems Dr. Scarlett has worked a miracle without working at all.  Nurse invites half-brained Sara to work for her.

Magnus Adversson, sadly old again, is back at Rajiv's Coffee House.  Rajiv and Princess Lakshmi enter, also returned from Greece.  Magnus wishes to have Rajijv's superpower spit to be young again, but the spit no longer works.  They all notice the coffee shop looks is now a coffee shop that caters to zombies!  Princess Lakshmi and Magnus have a Golden Girls moment where they plan a party to toast their friendship.  Rajiv doesn't completely understand.

Meanwhile, out on the street, a recent double amputee is knocked from her wheelchair by a callous woman.  It turns out she is a fairy god person, along with her male friend, who only grant wishes to rich, beautiful people.  The handicapped woman rolls away.

Judge Graft is in a rage.  His court reporter summarizes: Native Americans have holed themselves up and are burning tires, a trench is being dug from Lake Superior to Solomon's River, Judge Graft is negatively trending online because people who voted for Chief of Police are upset the judge just replaced him.  Former Chief of Police Lt. Bustybottoms bursts in, drunk, after a six month bender.  The Graft-appointed new police chief is missing, and Bustybottoms' butt isn't looking so hot.  Det. Schmegly, the last police officer on duty, arrives.  The court reporter records the entire interaction as Graft orders Schmegly to put Bustybottoms in the drunk tank.  Somewhere, across the interwebs, young women Tracy, Geraldine, and Bonette see the trending video and spread it around the internet.  They all head to the police station to goggle in person.
  • Will Nurse continue to be plagued by her primary school nemesis Large Marge?
  • Will a half-brained, untrained, car accident victim prove to be a better nurse than the other replacements?
  • Can Rajiv reclaim his coffee shop and how will the Golden Girls party go?
  • What will the two fairy god people do for the rich and beautiful people of Solomon's River?
  • Will Lt. Bustybottom dry out?  Can he whip the police department back into order with only Det. Schmegly on duty?  Can he monetize his sudden, unintended internet fame?
Find out the answers to these questions and more as we make it all up in, Solomon's River!